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BAC Local 1 Oregon/Washington/Idaho/Montana represents craftworkers in the trowel trades including Bricklayers, Stone and Marble Masons, Tilesetters, Terrazzo Workers, Pointers/Cleaners/Caulkers, Refractory Specialists, and Finishers working in the Columbia Bason Territory - from Montana, to Idaho, to Eastern and Southwest Washington, to Oregon.

The main goal of our Local is to provide, protect and improve the quality of life and general welfare of our members.  

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Recent Actions

Heat Safety
heat safety

Stay Safe In The Heat

BAC members across the country regularly work in conditions outdoors in direct sunlight or in enclosed spaces that are not climate-controlled. This leads construction workers to suffer from heat-related illnesses and, in severe cases, death.

Before working in extreme heat, review the Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR) checklists: Overall Heat-Illness Prevention Program Checklist for Construction and Daily Heat-Illness Prevention Checklist for Construction

OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention campaign educates employers and workers on heat hazards and provides resources to keep workers safe. 

PTSD Brain

June 2024: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that may appear following a traumatic or deeply stressful event (such as exposure to death, violence, or other existential threats). Workers in the construction industry, including veterans, should be aware that support is available. BAC members (and their loved ones) who may have been exposed to trauma are encouraged to complete an online PTSD screening by clicking here or here. If you or a loved one have been negatively impacted by trauma, please contact BAC MAP at 1-833-MAP-TALK for further support. 

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Confirm Voter Registration

Your voice matters! Check your voter registration today to be ready to cast your ballot this fall. Every vote counts!

Recent Content

OSHA Proposes Revision to Personal Protective Equipment Standard in Construction

Properly-fitting personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential in the construction industry. Too often, ill-fitting PPE does not provide workers with adequate protection, and may increase the risk for illness, injury, and death.